The Order dates back to 1534 

Pope Paul III reaffirmed the Board of the Knights of St. Peter ( Papal Bull of 26 February 1534 , published in the Papal Chancellery on 20 December 1535 ) with the same forms , methods and content produced by Pope Leo X. He did , however, most , wanted to not duplicate such an order creating another mirror under the name of the College of the Knights of St. Paul, by a Bull of 25 June 1540 , which saw the publication in the Papal Chancellery July 19, 1541 .

This new Board was composed of 200 Knights. It was confirmed by Pope Julius III on March 21, 1549. ....  read more 








The first ceremonial investiture took place on Sunday, 6 July, 1997, during a Mass in honour of the Apostles Peter and Paul.

The mass commenced at 2.00 p.m. It was a High Mass, Solemnity of the two apostles SS Peter and Paul.  After the panegyric, Peter Paul Portelli, Founder and head of the Order read a message from the Hon. Jeff Kennett, Premier of Victoria on behalf of the Victorian Government and a message from the Most Rev. Mgr. Sam Muscat, Archpriest of the Basilica of St. Peter and Paul of Nadur in Gozo, Malta.


Mr. Portelli then presented the first members and made a testimonial about the aims and objectives of the new Order. Mr. Portelli said that there was a need to recognize the tireless voluntary work that many people do in the community, dedicating many long hours, day after day.


Mr. Portelli said ‘Today we are honouring two great Christian leaders followers of Christ, St. Peter and Paul, so it is appropriate that we are recognizing these living community leaders here today. These living leaders will today take a vow that they will continue to serve God and His people and to imitate St. Peter and Paul in their Christian values.


The first members that took the vow were Mr. Ernest Sigley, Mr. Bruno Rabensteiner, Mr. Jairo Nascimento, Mr. Mato Verkic, Mr. Andreas Kratsis, Mrs. Lillian Calleja, Mr. Charles Camilleri, Rev. Fr. Karm Borg MSSP, Mr. Joseph Vella, Mr. Eddy Marcel Abraham and Mrs. Remy Sarmiento.


Fr. John Taliana MSSP. Parish Priest of St. Bernadette read the vow and the candidates repeated after him. Fr. John Taliana blessed the first members with the Holy Water. The Head of the Order Mr. Peter Paul Portelli placed the medal on the members while the Mayor of the City of Brimbank, Cr. Ciro Lombardi placed the mantle on the shoulder of the members.


The congregation gave them an applause as a sign of admiration.


This was a very exciting moment to the new members. After the Mass the members took part in the procession led by the statue of St. Peter and St. Paul, accompanied by the Maltese Own Band, representatives of the Maltese Associations with their banners.

After the procession the members were invited for refreshments in the church hall.     

Confraternity of the Knights of St.Peter and St.Paul

St.Peter and Paul Confraternity
The Order of the Knights of St. Peter's was made up of 401 men chosen from among the best and most faithful collaborators of the Pope and of the Church.

 The Order was given the task of managing the administrative affairs of the Apostolic Camera , and to ensure a body of knights to defend the safety of the person of the Pope and of the same hospitals , used on various sectors of necessity of war.

Pope Clement VII , born Giulio de 'Medici , the successor of Pope Leo X in 1522 , confirming this Order with a further Bull issued in October of 1526 , published at the Chancery of the Pontifical January 3, 1527 

Pope Paul III reaffirmed the Board of the Knights of St. Peter ( Papal Bull of 26 February 1534 , published in the Papal Chancellery on 20 December 1535 ) with the same forms , methods and content produced by Pope Leo X. He did , however, most , wanted to not duplicate such an order creating another mirror under the name of the College of the Knights of St. Paul, by a Bull of 25 June 1540 , which saw the publication in the Papal Chancellery July 19, 1541 . Click here to read more


The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul Incorporated was created by H.E. Chev. Peter Paul Portelli O.S.J. in Melbourne in November, 1996 to honour members of the Christian faith for their tireless benevolent work in the community.

The original name was ‘Order of St. Peter & St. Paul'. In 2009 the name had to be changed to ‘Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul Inc' to comply with the wishes of the Catholic Church.


The Supreme Council of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul has endorsed a new chapter in British Columbia, Canada.

The Rt. Hon. Cav. Guenter Alfred Rieger has been appointed prior to built the new chapter.


Six new knights were appointed in the chapters of Toronto and Cambridge.

Missing from the picture is William Brown.

Congratulation to all the new knights and lady.

Peter Paul Portelli

Grand Master

Coat-of-arms of the Confraternity
of the Knights of St.Peter and St.Paul

St. Peter and St. Paul new Crest

The coat-of-arms of the Confraternity is the symbol of the great Apostles Peter and Paul. The Keys represent St. Peter, who were given to him by the Lord Jesus. The sword and the serpent represent St Paul.

St.Peter and St.Paul Confraternity


H.E. Chev. Grand Master Peter Paul Portelli

Prior Dame  Pauline Zahra

Grand Prior Chev. SILVIO DA SILVA

Rt.Hon. Chevalier Guenter Alfred Rieger Knight Commander of Justice

Chapter of Portugal 

Chapter of Malta
Chapter of Cambia 
Grand Prior Chev Simone Mayer, St.Peter and St.Paul 
Grand Prior Dame Dr.hc Simone Mayer
Chapter of Vienna 

Chapter of Germany 
Chapter of Italy 

Chapter of Russia 

Chapter of Peru 

Chapter of Western Australia 

Chapter of Washington DC 

Chapter of Nigeria